Climate change
Our climate is changing. Climate change can be seen on a global scale – the average global air temperature near the Earth surface is rising as is the sea surface temperature. Ice sheet melting has also become commonplace, and there occurs the rise of the average sea level. These changes are accompanied by an increase in the intensity and frequency of many extreme weather events: downpours and storms, heat waves, hail or tornadoes. We already know that the extreme weather events will bring in the future even more devastating effects for societies and the economy. We also know that most of the observed recent global warming results from the increase in GHG concentration in the atmosphere due to human activity.
What is the climate system, what are the observed changes and underlying causes – in the atmosphere, oceans, cryosphere, ecosystems, and on the Earth the surface? How the Earth will be affected by changing air temperatures? What consequences these changes will have for the atmosphere (circulation, chemical composition and structure), for oceans, for natural water circulation and ecosystems, and finally – for human life? How do models of climate change work, and how have been climate scenarios developed? What are the ways to reduce the impacts of global warming?
The answers to the above and further questions will be provided on the Project’s IT Platform. You have been invited to use this website.
- Rola aerozoli w atmosferze ziemskiej, wpływ na klimat